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Giantsc’s powerful marketing and advertising insight delivers an intrinsic understanding of the driving forces behind the creation of advertising and marketing copy.

Giantsc strongly endorses the replicating of original copywriting quality across multiple marketplaces. This should be considered a key component of a global marketing communication strategy as it protects inherent brand properties.

It is therefore vital to recognize that there is a quantifiable difference between translation and original copywriting or copy adaptation. A translator is trained to translate; their remit does not permit the changing of source text. However, a copywriter will revise or re-write the text, aligning it to local market expectations.

Giantsc delivers foreign language copywriting and copy adaptation for:
- Advertising campaigns (all media)
- Direct mail
- Marketing collateral
- Poster campaigns
- Point of sale
- Packaging
- Making the Message Work in Overseas Markets

Just as every English language copywriter will have their own style, so will the local market copywriter.

To ensure that the copywriter understands the brand platform that must be maintained Giantsc apply tools that support the project:
- Style and tone-of-voice guides to assist the copywriter in maintaining the client’s corporate style
- Approved dictionaries meaning that basic statements and terms are conveyed correctly into another language
- Style benchmarking and resolving style issues before launching the campaign mean the familiarization process can be fast-tracked

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